
Weapons (or turrets) are the primary way of inflicting damage and harvesting resources in Avorion. They divide into four categories: Armed Turrets, Unarmed Turrets, Defensive Turrets, and Torpedoes. Armed turrets are used to defeat enemies (or allies if you wish), and their only purpose is to inflict pure damage to ships. Unarmed turrets are used to harvest resources, and can sometimes have other utility functions, such as repairing ships, or pushing them away. Defensive Turrets are autofire turrets intended to shoot down Torpedoes and Fighters. Torpedoes are extremely powerful, single-use guided munitions which can cripple an enemy ship but must be scavenged or repurchased between fights.

The Fire Power statistic of a ship is the combined sustained DPS of all Turrets the ship is fitted with. Fire Power is measured in Omicron (om.), where 1 Omicron = 1 DPS.


Turrets can be purchased from Equipment Docks, and can be custom-built at Turret Factories; however the primary way of obtaining them is from the destroyed hulls of your enemies ships. The power bought or looted turrets depends on the current distance to the core, and the difficulty of the current galaxy.

All Turrets of higher than Iron-tier must be placed on either a Turret Base Block or a Turret Rotation Lock. Every Turret also requires Crew to use it. Armed and Defensive turrets require a Gunner, while Unarmed Turrets require either a Miner, Mechanic, or Engineer.

On higher difficulties, it can sometimes be necessary to farm for higher-tech turrets than you can feasibly obtain through combat. This can be done by building a fast ship (possibly also with Salvage lasers and Tractor Beam Upgrades), exploring to find Hidden Mass Sectors (especially those close to The Barrier), and waiting until both Pirates and Xsotan spawn in. Pirates will fight everyone, and Xsotan will fight anyone who fights them, and so one of the two fleets will be very quickly destroyed, allowing you to fly by and pick up the loot. This may take some time but it's a way of safely obtaining turrets or even ship materials (such as Ogonite Scrap while outside the Barrier) that are higher-tier than you can currently face or access, allowing you to then build a ship which can fight those enemies.

Turret Scaling

Turret firepower scales off of four separate stats: Tech Level, Material tier, Rarity, and Slots.

  • Tech Level scales from 1 to 52 based on distance from the core. Outside the Barrier, this tends to max out in the high 30s.
  • Material is the metal the turret was built from, and also determines what tier of Turret Base Block the turret must be mounted on. (This effectively means that you cannot use turrets for which you do not yet have the Building Knowledge.)
  • Rarity is a chance-based drop category
  • Slots is the physical size of the turret

Turret Slots

Every ship has a finite number of Armed, Unarmed, Defensive, and Arbitrary Turret Slots. Every turret mounted to the ship takes up one or more of these slots. Initially, all turrets only take one slot, however starting at around Naonite tier, 2-slot and 3-slot turrets start to become common. Multi-slot turrets have higher damage and range, but lower rotation speed and visibly much larger model sizes (meaning they require larger Turret Base Blocks to sit on. The maximum slots a turret can occupy is 6.

Note that bigger turrets are not always the best turrets, and sometimes it can be more efficient to fit multiple small turrets. The DPS-per-Slot efficiency of a turret can be viewed by enabling Detailed Turret Tooltips in the options menu, and can be used to aid in choosing turrets appropriately.

Slots Size Damage Range
1 0.5 100% 100%
2 1 200% 115%
3 1.5 300% 130%
4 2 - 2.5 400% 145%
5 3 ... ...
6 3.5

Armed Turrets


The Chaingun, often also called machinegun, is the first weapon you'll encounter as every player starts with two. Chainguns are the most basic and common Kinetic weapon (although on rare occasion they can be found dealing other damage types). Chainguns deal damage by propelling huge numbers of small metal bits at the enemy at high speed. This weapon type usually has low damage, high rate of fire, short range, and low-medium accuracy. However, despite their simple nature, they often feature very high DPS.

This weapon type can be found anywhere in the galaxy.


Bolters are the next step up from Chainguns both in technology and in combat effectiveness. Bolters rapidly fire small pellets of anti-matter at targets, which are devastating to unshielded hulls. They are slightly slower firing than chainguns, but have longer range.

Bolter turrets are found early in the game, around titanium level.


Plasma turrets propel balls of plasma (as the name suggests) at the target, which deal increased damage to shields. They act as a direct counterpart to Bolters, however they tend to have slightly shorter range and lower damage than Bolters. Plasma weapons have medium damage, medium rate of fire, decent range and good accuracy. They consume energy while firing.

Plasma turrets are found later in the game, around trinium level.

Pulse Cannon

Pulse cannons are a specialized anti-shield variant of Chainguns. Like Chainguns, they fire rapid streams of small bullets, however Pulse Cannons fire special Ionized Projectiles which have a very high chance of penetrating shields, ignoring them and directly damaging the hull. They typically have a high rate of fire, low damage, and good sustained DPS.

Bear in mind that, as enemy ships use all the same weapons player ships use, Pulse Cannons can become a very real threat in later stages of the game, and you may well find your own guns or other key systems being shot out from under you, despite still having shields.

Shield penetration can be countered by the Shield-Strengthener System; however ships utilizing this system have drastically weakened shields.

They are found from naonite regions and onwards.


Cannon turrets are artillery weapons, designed to eradicate targets at very long ranges. They fire very high-damage Kinetic or Anti-Matter shells at a very slow rate, and are very accurate. Cannon shells explode on impact, dealing even more damage if several blocks are caught in the blast. Shields mitigate this effect. Cannons create a large amount of recoil, which can be compensated for by flying a vessel with more mass. Cannons can only be found in sizes 3-6.

Cannon turrets can be found around the mid stages of the game, around trinium level.


Railgun turrets are hypervelocity kinetic weapons. They accelerate powerful projectiles down electromagnetic rails, reaching blistering speeds. Railguns deal high damage and fire slowly while possessing long range and good accuracy. Their shots have no perceptible flight time (also known as hitscan) which makes long-range combat significantly easier. Additionally, Railgun shots can pierce through blocks, dealing damage to multiple blocks in a line and potentially destroying blocks buried deep into the targeted ship. Shields and Armor blocks will prevent penetration.

Railgun tooltip damage is displayed assuming the shot penetrates four blocks. Railguns actually only deal 25% of their listed damage per block, which means they do 25% of the listed damage altogether if they end up not penetrating (i.e. if they hit shields, armor, or a thin piece of the ship). Railgun damage drops off after the 4th block, with each subsequent block taking half of the damage of the previous block. Because of this dropoff, even if they penetrate infinite blocks, the total damage only approaches 125% the listed damage.

Outside of certain #Ancient Turrets, Railguns are found only at later stages of the game, often appearing first around The Barrier.


Laser weapons are energy weapons firing concentrated, constant beams. They deal moderate Energy or Plasma damage continuously at medium range, with perfect accuracy and no projectile travel time. Lasers consume energy while firing, and are found around naonite levels.


Tesla weapons fire continuous beams of electricity at the target, which deal double damage to all Technical Blocks. Tesla turrets have very short range, very good accuracy, very high DPS, and consume power while firing. The consumed power per second will slowly rise during continuous use. Stone blocks are invulnerable to tesla beams.

Tesla weapons are first encountered at the start of the naonite region.


Lightning weapons are essentially electricity railguns: long-range, slow-firing, hitscan Electric damage, effective against Technical blocks but ineffective against Stone blocks. Lightning weapons also consume energy while firing.

Lightning weapons are found late in the game, around The Barrier.

Rocket Launcher

Rocket Launchers fire a flurry of slow-moving, high damage Kinetic or Anti-Matter rockets, which can fly out to extreme ranges and explode on impact dealing damage to multiple blocks around the impact. Rocket launchers are generally unreliable in long-range combat or against small targets, as it is quite easy to evade them; however they are quite efficient against large or stationary targets such as Stations.

However, rocket launchers can obtain the Guided Missiles trait, causing the rockets to actively track the targeted enemy. This trait massively improves rocket launcher performance, especially against smaller targets whose smaller blocks can be quickly smashed through. If a Rocket Launcher is given both Guided Missiles and Independent Targeting, it can engage targets at long range independent of player lock-on or interaction.

Rocket launchers are found late in the game, around The Barrier.

Unarmed Turrets

Mining Laser

Mining lasers are used for mining asteroids. They have low damage, except against rocks, against which they have a massive damage bonus (also stone-type blocks), and they are the only turrets capable of extracting resources out of ore-rich asteroids. They can only mine up to one above the material they're made of. (i.e. an iron mining laser can only mine iron and titanium, and a titanium mining laser can mine Naonite, Titanium and Iron, but not Trinium etc.) Mining lasers can be found everywhere. Mining laser efficiency determines what percent of the harvested material is returned as usable alloys.

Salvaging Laser

Salvaging lasers are used for mining wreckage (or hulls). They are more efficient than just shooting wreckages with chainguns and refining the resulting ore because they get more resources from the wreckage. They can only salvage up to one above the material they're made of. (i.e. Iron salvaging laser can salvage iron and titanium, a titanium salvaging laser can salvage Naonite, Titanium and Iron, but not Trinium etc.)

Salvaging lasers can be found everywhere. Salvaging laser efficiency determines what percent of the harvested material is returned as usable alloys.

Salvaging Lasers can also be used to obtain additional Turrets or Subsystems from wreckage, specifically by targeting Turret Base Blocks or Technical Blocks.

The fact that Salvaging Laser returns are based on the build cost of the blocks they harvest mean that it is usually the most efficient to only salvage expensive technical blocks like Generators, and leave most of the inexpensive-but-durable Armor blocks behind.

On rare occasion, Salvaging Lasers can also be used as viable weapons systems, albeit at very short range.


Mining and Salvaging lasers come in two types: Purifying and Refining. Refining lasers, also known as R-Mining or R-Salvaging lasers, have hugely increased Efficiency (60-90%, versus a Purifying laser's 15-25%), however rather than returning Alloys, R-lasers return Ore or Scrap Metal, which must be picked up and carried as Cargo and processed at a Resource Depot to create usable alloys. Despite the required storage space, the impact of the increased Efficiency cannot be understated, as the gap between a 15 Efficiency Purifying laser and a 90 Efficiency R-Laser is quite literally 6x the Alloys from the same asteroids or ship wrecks.

Force Turret

Force turrets do no damage, but either pull opponents closer (bringing them into range) or push them away (pushing you out of their range). Some Force turrets apply the same effect on your ship simultaneously as well! The most effective and powerful force turrets are manufactured. Very high powered ones can use debris and asteroids as projectiles. Force turrets can be found when your distance to the center is lower than 425

Repair Turret

Repair turrets do no damage, but restore hitpoints to either shields or hull (or both!) of friendly ships. They use energy to do this. Repair turrets can be found when your distance to the center is lower than 325

Defensive Turrets

Point-Defense Chaingun/Laser

Point-Defense weapons are designed to deal with fighters and especially torpedoes. They will always have the "independent targeting"-trait, which should be set to "defensive"-mode. They deal very low damage at decent range, but have high turn speed. PDCs/PDLs will always occupy only one turret slot. Their accuracy is the second highest after the laser turret ( 99.5% ).

PDCs are found very early, PDLs at later stages.

Flak/Anti-Fighter cannon

Flak turrets fire exploding bullets at very short ranges, and are designed to deal with fighters. Their damage is low, as is their rate of fire, but they turn quickly and the shell detonation can catch fighters reliably. Flak turrets will always occupy only one turret slot, and are found at mid stages of the game.

Ancient Turrets

When a boss enemy or bounty target (indicated by a health bar displayed over the HUD) is defeated, they have a chance of dropping an ancient turret, and ancient turrets can only be of exceptional, exotic, or legendary quality. This turrets can be distinguished by the red text description underneath their stat spread. These weapons have some very unique special abilities, like random damage type, seeker shots or being able to harvest scrap and ore.

Ancient Chainguns

Mega Sprayer

The mega sprayer is a chaingun with unremarkable stats aside from very high accuracy, and a description of "Simple, accurate, efficient, deadly"

Nanobot Dispenser

The nanobot dispenser is a chaingun with a slightly increased accuracy and seeker shots. The description reads "Smart, very high velocity nanobots"

Ancient Bolters

J2 Jackhammer

The Jackhammer is a bolter that can harvest raw resources as well as do serious damage to ship blocks. "

True Bolter

The true bolter is an unremarkable bolter with a Warhammer 40k reference in its description, "400th century marines would be proud"

Violent Thumper

The violent thumper is another unremarkable ancient weapon with generally better stats than the true bolter, and its description reads, "Show them who's boss"

Intelligent Thumper

The Intelligent Thumper is a bolter with seeker shots. Described as "Aiming aid incorporated"

M.A.D. Plasmatic Bolter

The M.A.D. Plasmatic Bolter is a bolter that does plasma damage instead of the usual anti-matter damage. Though it bears their name, it isn't dropped exclusively by the M.A.D. Mobile Energy Lab and its description says it is "Not just PlasmaGun - PlasmaFUN"

Ancient Railguns

RG9000 Devastator

The Devastator is a railgun with the absurd fire rate of between 7 and 14, and otherwise normal stats. It's a possibile refernce to Doom's BFG9000. Its description says "Railgun go brrrrrt"

Mega Railgun

The mega railgun is a railgun that ignores non-impenetrable shields, and the ability to do most physical or antimatter damage types it also has a mean looking default model. It's description reads: "If a normal Railgun simply isn't enough

Vicious Impaler

The vicious impaler is a railgun with no outstanding stats, however it is theorized that it can pierce more blocks than a normal railgun. Description reads, "It's over 9000!"

Ancient Plasma Guns

Firefly Romanticizer

The firefly romanticizer is a plasma gun with the seeking shots trait, however the homing is not as persistent as seeking missiles. It also has a ~700% damage increase to shields, and when not locked on to a target, will spray out randomly in a large cone. The description reads, "Romance in the finest quality"

Super Light Soaker

the SLS is an unremarkable plasma gun with above average fire rate, ~700% shield damage, and its description is "Force feed Light"

Shield Destabilizer

The shield Destabilizer has the same ~700% shield damage as the other two, but with nothing else unique. its description is "Destabilizes shields. And hull, if necessary"

Ancient Cannons

Adjusting Devastator

The adjusting devastator is a cannon with the seeker shots trait, although the projectiles only correct for about ~2 degrees off target. The description reads "For the artillery gunner with shaky hands"

Distant Destroyer

The distant destroyer is an above average cannon with roughly twice the normal range of cannons, at around 45km. This description is a concise warning "Don't miss"

Heavy Devastator

The heavy devastator is a mid range cannon with improved damage but a large amount of recoil. The description warns, "Better get a heavy ship too"

Ancient Rocket Launchers

Sky Comets

The sky comets rocket launcher is a rocket launcher with seeking shots, however like the romanticizer, it will spray in a huge cone when not locked on target and its seeking is less guaranteed, unlike normal seeking rocket launchers. The description reads "Accuracy ~ Distance? Makes sense"

Ancient Lasers

Death Rays

The death rays are just better normal lasers with vastly improved range, and the description says "Don't look directly into it"

Ghostly Busters

Ghostly busters are lasers that do electric damage, so no damage to stone with a reduced range. This weapon is an obvious Ghost Busters reference, with a description of "Who you gonna call"

Spectral Separator

The spectral separator is a laser that does a random damage type each tick a rainbow beam, and with otherwise normal stats. The description might a reference to the Skittles commercials, instructing the player to "Feel the rainbow"

Phase-Shifted Lightthrower

The lightthrower is a normal laser with "Ignores shields" trait. The description reads "Calibrated to ignore shields"

Pulse Cannons

Ultra Pulsar

The ultra pulsar is a pulse cannon with an above average percent chance to penetrate shields for its quality/material, with no other significant stats. its description says "Pulse Cannon, but better"

Ancient Lightning Guns


The Thor is an above average lightning gun with the predictable description "For Asgard"

Mega Thor

The same as the Thor but larger, and can be found at size 5 in any region. Its description is "If you always wanted to utilize a thunderstorm as a weapon"

Ancient Tesla Guns


The OverTesla is a tesla gun that can stay firing for longer and does more damage. Its description shouts "UNLIMITED POWER"

Ancient PDCs

Searching PDC

The searching pdc is an average pdc with seeker shots. Described as "Why do we even need gunners for this?"

Ancient Miners

Purifying/Raw Jackhammer

The purifying/raw jackhammer is a mining turret that does around 10x the normal base damage of mining turrets, however does not have a damage buff against stone. It can be in either the purifying or raw mining variant. Description is the title of a song by the Yogscast, "Diggy Diggy Hole!"

Pulsing Miner

The pulsing miner (pure or raw) is roughly the same as the Jackhammer, but is described as "Dig Deep"

Ancient Salvagers

Pulsating Recycler

The pulsating salvager is a refining salvager that does tremendous damage compared to its normal counterparts, and in the iron/titanium regions it is a useful weapon, but it does no damage to shields. its description is "Recycle the whole ship at once"

Multiharvest (Refined/Raw)

The multiharvest turret is able to extract resources from ores and from ships. For whatever reason, the sell price of these turrets can go from major windfall to outright insane, as I once found a trinium multiharvest worth 19 million, and an avorion one worth 370 million. It has otherwise average stats and has the description "Stone is just raw metal anyway"

Raw Pulsing Recycler

The raw pulsing recycler is a raw salvager that does vastly increased damage compered to a normal raw salvager, and is quite a useful tool if found early in the game, however it does no damage to shields. Its description reads, "Enhance the production of scrap metal"

Omni Recycler

The omni recycler is a raw salvager that can damage shields as well as blocks. It is unknown if there is a refining version of this turret. Its description reads "Recycle everything. Including shields"

Ancient Repair(?) Turrets


The yin-yang is a strange turret that does damage and repair at the same time. It is a laser that does damage ad repairs the same damage at once. its description is "Keep the perfect balance"

Ancient Stuff yet to be seen

It is possible that there is an ancient version of every weapon type, like an actual repair turret or raw salvagers, that I haven't found yet. For example, it took me over 800hrs to find my first Sky comets launcher. If you run into an ancient weapon not discussed or properly recorded here, please make the correction, thank you.

Special Traits


Almost all projectile weapons other than some Chainguns have the "Overheats" trait, which causes the weapon to build up heat until it eventually cannot fire any more and has to cool down. Weapons that overheat are typically more powerful than regular weapons, but cannot fire constantly. Because of the penalty not being able to fire constantly, Overheats weapons have two DPS values: Burst DPS, referring to the damage dealt before a turret overheats, and (Sustained) DPS, which is the DPS dealt including both firing and overheat-cooldown periods and is the value used to calculate a ship's Fire Power. The Omicron calculation uses the Sustained DPS value, meaning that burst-fire weapons may in practice be significantly more powerful than their on paper value, while suffering significant down-time between bursts. To demonstrate the omicron calculation:

DPS Time-to-overheat Cool-down time Total Uptime "True" Omicron
1000 60s 10s 60/70s (85.7%) 857
3000 20s 15s 20/35s (57.1%) 1714

However, if the player can withdraw or defend during the turrets' (synced) cooldown time, they can mitigate incoming damage without sacrificing outgoing damage compared to continuous fire turrets of the same "true" omicron value.

Some weapons gain Overheating if their rate of fire or other values exceed certain amounts, and will otherwise be able to fire constantly if those values are low enough. This can easily be observed by going to a Turret Factory and observing the previewed stats whilst adjusting the component numbers up and down.

Burst Firing

A variant of Overheating where the weapon will both overheat and cool down extremely rapidly, dealing short intense bursts of damage.

Battery Charge

Battery Charge is essentially the same as Overheats, but it appears on laser weapons rather than projectile weapons.

Coaxial weapons

Coaxial turrets are extremely heavy turrets, which cannot rotate or aim. They require the ship to point in the direction that you want the projectiles to go. Coaxial weapons deal significantly more damage than normal turrets, however coaxial weapons only come in sizes 5 and 6.

Uses Energy

Any weapons with this trait will draw energy from your ships batteries. The energy cost of firing the same weapon continuously will increase over time. Depending on the power of the weapon, it will usually draw more or less energy, with higher powered weapons needing exponentially much more power to use than more economical weapons. Plasma and Lightning turrets draw power with each shot, while Laser, Tesla, Repair and Force turrets, and sometimes also Mining and Salvaging turrets will draw energy continuously over time.

Independent Targeting

Turrets with independent targeting can automatically aim and fire at targets in range, although they sacrifice some power. To set up the turret to do this, detach your mouse and click the turret icon close to the health bar on the HUD, and then select the firing mode.


A trait unique to Launchers*, Seeker missiles will chase after your target when you fire the missile. If you change targets, the missile will still chase whichever target it was chasing before. If fired without a target selected, the missile will fly off in a wild, spiralling pattern.

+X% Damage versus shields or hull

This bonus is applied separate from the omicron rating score. A weapon with +100% damage to shields will deal twice as much damage to shields, and the advertised number against hull. This is calculated similarly for hull. It should be noted that AOE (Cannons, Rocket Launchers) and penetrating weapons (Rail Guns) gain the greatest benefit to hull damage regardless, as they can gain bonus damage across multiple blocks.

+X% Damage, +X% Fire Rate, +X% Range, +X% Efficiency

These are bonuses that are applied directly to the main statistics of a turret before the omicron rating. A turret that deals 100 damage per second and has a 100% bonus fire rate or damage trait is actually a 50 damage per second turret but with a 100% bonus. Similarly, a turret with 8 range and +100% Range is actually a 4 range turret, but with double the range that it should have.

+X% Firing until overheated

This value modifies the number of shots a weapon can fire before it overheats. A weapon with +100% firing until overheated would fire twice as many shots as an identical one without the value. Be aware that this does not affect the cooldown rate. A weapon with a +100% firing until overheated will take twice as long to cool down after overheated as an identical weapon without the modifier.

+X% Chance to penetrate shields

Exactly what it says on the tin. If a turret has a 50% chance to penetrate shields, every other shot will damage hull instead of hitting the shield. This effect can be countered by the shield-strengthener-system.

+X% Faster Cooling

This statistic will increase the rate a weapon can cooldown if it is prone to overheating. For example, a weapon with +100% faster cooling will take 5 seconds to recover from an overheat. An identical weapon without this would take 10 seconds to recover from an overheat. Weapon cooldown rates will behave similarly across the thermal bar. Currently heat capacities and heat dissipation rates are hidden across all weapons. It is advised to test the weapon and make a determination to its effectiveness. Even with bonuses, some weapons still overheat too quickly to be useful.


Fighters require a Hangar block, which requires Trinium or higher material to build. They are generally slightly less powerful than an equivalent turret, are more vulnerable, and are expensive and tedious to replace, but make up for this with their strength in numbers. To deploy a fighter, you need to first create a squadron in your ship menu, then hire a pilot as well as buy a fighter from an equipment vendor, and then finally give your squadron an order using the buttons on the left side of the HUD. You can have 10 squadrons of 12 fighters, for a total of 120 fighters if your hangar is big enough.

Every Fighter in space requires one Pilot crew member to control it.

Fighters come in all the same varieties as Turrets. They can be crafted at a Fighter Factory using a turret in the player inventory, consuming the turret and adding a single fighter to the player's hangar. To produce copies of a fighter, an existing fighter can be dragged into the large square "Blueprint Slot" to sacrifice the fighter for an unlimited-use blueprint. Additional fighters can then be created, consuming only the resources for the original turret's materials tier. (For instance, fighters designed with a titanium turret will cost titanium to produce.) The rate at which new fighters are created is dependent on their production requirement; higher quality fighters requiring significantly more. The ship's production is based on the amount and quality of Assembler blocks present. It is also possible to use player-owned factory stations to mass-manufacture fighters for players, since they have a very large production output.

Fighters produced at a Factory do not inherit the traits of the the weapon used. For example, a fighter created from a Bolter with Burst Fire and Overheat will not gain Burst Fire nor Overheat itself. However, they will gain traits related to Rarity, I.E. +150% for Exotic turrets.

Custom Fighter's weapon will have reduced stats of the base turret used.

You can enter and fly around in a launched fighter. To do this, get close with your ship or drone, select the fighter and press T.


Torpedoes are very dangerous weapons, that can quickly change the tide of the battle. They are fire-and-forget types of weapons that track their original target. However, they can be evaded or destroyed.

They are fired from Torpedo Launcher blocks, which hold 4-22 torpedoes, depending on the block's material. Launcher blocks can be assigned to a number, to be enabled/disabled like turrets. Torpedoes are fired with the right mouse button. After firing a torpedo from a launcher, the next torpedo in that launcher will automatically be readied for firing. If a tube is empty, it has to be manually refilled via the torpedo-tab in the ship menu.

Additional torpedoes can be stored in Torpedo Storage blocks. Their capacity depends only on the block's size and is measured in torpedo size units, not torpedo count.

Nearly missed torpedoes will still detonate and deal half the damage. More manoeuvrable torpedo classes are better able to keep up with agile enemies.

Torpedoes have a health pool, and can be hit by weapons. Point-defense weapons are specifically designed to target and destroy incoming torpedoes. It is advised to only fire torpedoes at ill-equipped enemies, or enemies that focus other combatants. Of course, a slower torpedo will be easier to hit. The durability of a torpedo scales only and directly with its rarity: 9 for a common torpedo and +5 for each tier higher.

Torpedoes consist of a warhead on a body, both of which have specific characteristics. Those are given in the tables below. Torpedoes can be obtained from Equipment Docks, starting at around Naonite level; or they can be dropped by hostile ships capable of firing them, starting in Titanium range.


This is a list of primary torpedo stats and how they are determined.

  • Hull damage: warhead type × rarity (+25% additively for each tier above common) × sector the torpedo is found in.
  • Shield damage: warhead type × rarity (+25% additively for each tier above common) × sector the torpedo is found in.
  • Maneuverability, velocity and acceleration: body type. Note that all torpedo bodies achieve maximum velocity after 10 km of travelled distance, if they have no kinetic warhead.
  • Range: body type + rarity (+4.5 km for each tier above common).
  • Size: warhead size × body size. E.g. a Panther Tandem torpedo will have a size of 3.5 × 1.5 = 5.25.
  • Durability: rarity (9 for common, +5 for each tier above common) (and the sector the torpedo is found in?)


There are currently ten types of torpedo warheads, each with their own characteristics.

Warhead Hull damage
Shield damage
Effects Size
Nuclear 1 1 - 1
Neutron 3 1 - 1
Fusion 1 3 - 1
Tandem 1.5 2 Damages both shield and hull for high total damage. 1.5
Kinetic 2.5 – 5 0.25 Doubles the torpedo's maximum speed; hull damage dependent on velocity.* 1.5
Plasma 1 5 - 2
Ion 0.25 3 Drains target's energy. 2
Sabot 2 0 Penetrates shields. 3
EMP 0 0.025 Briefly deactivates shields. 3
Anti-Matter 8 6 Requires energy to be stored. 5

* Kinetic torpedoes achieve their maximum velocity and thus their maximum damage after 40 km of travelled distance. This is more than the standard 10 km, because the maximum velocity of kinetic torpedoes is doubled while their acceleration is not.


Those warheads are installed on one of nine torpedo body types, each with their own characteristics:

Body Manoeuvrability Speed Acceleration Range Size
Orca 0.4 3500 613 24+ 1
Hammerhead 0.6 3500 613 30+ 1.5
Stingray 0.8 3500 613 36+ 2.5
Ocelot 0.4 4500 1013 30+ 1.5
Lynx 0.6 4500 1013 36+ 2.5
Panther 0.8 4500 1013 42+ 3.5
Osprey 0.4 5500 1513 36+ 2.5
Eagle 0.6 5500 1513 42+ 3.5
Hawk 0.8 5500 1513 48+ 5
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