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General Information

Gyro Array blocks can increase the rotational speed of your ship, increasing its maneuverability and turning capability.
They will increase the yaw, pitch or roll of your ship depending on which way the block is rotated.

The strength and effectiveness of this block scale with its size and the chosen material.
Gyro Arrays can be built out of any material but generally have low durability and offer only a small collision damage reduction.

Note: Currently in "mouse steering" mode, real turning speed does not improve for values of yaw/pitch/roll above about 1.6.


Gyro Arrays can be placed anywhere on your ship but their effectiveness may vary depending on where you place them.
They will provide more rotational speed when placed on the outer side of your ship in comparison to being placed in the center of your ship where they will create less rotational speed.

Hull Block, Armor Block, Engine Block, Stone Block, Cargo Bay, Crew Quarters, Thruster, Framework, Hangar, Dock, Turret Rotation Lock, Shield Generator, Energy Container, Generator, Integrity Field Generator, Computer Core, Hyperspace Core, Solar Panel, Light Block, Glow Block, Glass Block, Reflector Block, Hologram Block, Gyro Array Block