Avorion Wiki

General Overview[]

This station produces energy generators, which are used in the production lines of some high tech factories.

Station Manufacturing Process[]

The following stations require this product during the manufacturing process:
Force Generator Factory, Anti-Grav Generator Factory, Vehicle Factory


Cost to produce: 18,057,000 credits.


This factory produces the following resources per cycle:

Name Quantity Volume Avg. Price Illegal? Dangerous?
Energy Generator 1 2 15957 no no

Production Materials[]

Name Quantity Volume Avg. Price Sold By Illegal? Dangerous?
Energy Cell 15 0.5 50 Solar Power Plant no no
Microchip 10 0,1 896 Microchip Factory no no
Conductor 10 0.15 168 Conductor Factory no no

It needs 6383 production capacity to achieve minimum cycle duration of 15 second. Any extra production capacity is wasted.


This station's profitability is an average of 4567 credits per cycle.
